I was off work because I had to go to the lady doctor. So, after that
We stayed out till 10 (gasp!) and then came back home.
Saturday morning I got up and coached my beautiful little cheerleaders. We only have one weekend left I can't believe it. After that I came back home, and took a wonderful nap on the couch while watching the race and the State game. Then, me and my parents went to eat at my favorite restaurant in town. It moved over Christmas, and just opened back up, and it's better than ever! LOVE! After that, I just came home and went to bed early (like a good grandmaw)
Sunday morning we went to church, and kept the toddlers. Talk about work. Then my brother's birthday lunch at Mawmaw's. (Happy 19th birthday Ross!) My mawmaw and aunt who came down from Winston-Salem were going to Forest City to see my great-aunt who has congestive heart failure. I decided that I didn't have anything else to do, and I should take my chance to see her when it came. So, I went along for the ride. We had a wonderful visit, and I call it a successful Sunday afternoon. We got back just in time to see the last 10 laps of the Daytona 500. That night, I went out for dinner with my friend and rode around for an hour trying to find somewhere to eat.
I call it a successful weekend full of family and meaningful conversations.
Sounds like a good weekend