Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Two Posts in One Week! Record!

Last night, I took my last final of my first Fall semester in grad school.  It still hasn't hit me that I'm actually done with a whole semester.  Only 3 and a summer left.  I will be the first person to say that grad school ain't easy.  Not even close.  
Will it be worth it one day? Abso-dang-lutely.  
Have I lost sleep because of it? Every night.
Have I missed opportunities because school came first? Constantly.
Will I change these things next semester? Absolutely not.
Does my bank account hate grad school as much as I love it? More than I can fathom.
Hopefully that will change soon though.

So, what have I been doing other than studying my ass off?
Well, car shopping.  I love my Charlie, but he's 10 years old and driving 40 miles one way twice a week isn't making him any older.  
I think I've settled on the Camry.  Now, the hard part... the car dealerships.

I've also been playing a TON of violin.  Just to make a few extra dollars on the side.  Last weekend I played Handel's Messiah with 3 days notice and made $250.  This weekend, I have 3 cantatas, and will hopefully make $375.

Other than a ton of online shopping, just work, work, and more work.


Sunday, December 8, 2013

Trying to get back on the bandwagon...

I never knew how hard grad school could be until I did it and tried to work full time at the same time.  I have a final on Monday and a final on Wednesday, and then I'll be done with this semester of grad school.  Then I get a month break till January 8th when Spring semester starts.  Only three semesters left!  But, in an attempt to get back to blogging, I have joined the 2014 Blogger Challenge!  Maybe if someone tells me what to write, I'll have more luck getting back into it.

